Club Code of Conduct

1. Golden Rule

Treat others how you wish to be treated: show respect, and be real as kindly as possible. Do no harm.

2. Surrender Your Expectations

Release all expectations and attachments to outcomes. For let’s face it, the only thing you can truly control in life is your response to it.

3. Keep a Sense of Humour

Nothing is personal. Who laughs wins.

4. Be Present

Phone use is highly restricted at Wonder Club events.

5. Put Yourself First

Complete challenges for you and your personal evolution, not for anyone else.

Although we believe there is no greater honour than serving/supporting others, we also believe it’s essential that we fill our own cup first so that we have more to give.

So it overflows to others effortlessly, in a way that feels good.

6. Take Full Responsibility

You are responsible for your own mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, and it is up to you to discern what you are ready to share and challenge yourself to.

If in doubt, you may benefit from starting a discussion in our community chat so that other members can offer their support, but ultimately it is up to you to use discernment.

7. No Creeps

Be rest assured that we have a strict zero-creeps policy.

Unfortunately the reality is that once something is on the internet, is could end up anywhere, and so although there is only so much we can do, we will do everything in our power, within reason, to keep creeps out of Wonder Club and protect our members as much as possible.

8. No Gossip

Here at Wonder Club, we seek to encourage, support and uplift each other, both to their face and behind their backs. We believe in focusing on what we like about people, not the other way around.

We certainly won’t turn a blind eye to an injustice or unsavoury behaviour, but our general rule is this: if you have nothing nice to say, stay silent. And if you feel an irresistible urge to express something “negative”, we suggest you tell the person to their face, rather than gossiping (social assassination) about them behind their back, because that’s just cowardly.

Our intention is to build a true tribe, where people feel they can trust each other not to act one way to their face, and another way behind their back.

Any form of private or public bullying or shaming will not be tolerated and could result in the cancellation of your membership.

9. Forgive

Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. And wise… for when you forgive others, it is you that you set free. And when you learn to forgive yourself, that is a game changer.

We all make mistakes. We are all flawed. And we are all capable of making positive changes. Of learning our lessons. If we can accept ourselves as doing the best we can with the tools we have, forgiveness becomes possible. True forgiveness is realising that there is nothing to forgive.

If you find yourself feeling dissatisfied or disappointed, seek to understand what the experience is teaching you and how you can grow from the experience, rather than immediately looking for someone to blame, or shaming yourself.

Finding gratitude for the experience is the ultimate forgiveness.

Remembering that everything has a purpose and silver lining, is the truth that sets us free (from despair, sorrow, hopelessness, anger, resentment, shame, guilt, self-loathing etc).

10. Privacy & Confidentiality

The purpose of Confession Club is to get you comfortable with sharing who you are and owning it fully. To embrace that the ultimate truth: nothing is private and everything is seen by god.

However, we also acknowledge that sometimes it can be important to be selective about what you share and with who. We are all unique and built differently, and discretion is important for those who are still in the earlier stages of healing their trust issues and sense of self-perception.

There is a fine line and delicate balancing act between owning your truth/being unapologetically yourself, and having healthy boundaries and discernment about what you share, and with whom.

Our general rule is this: if in doubt, do nothing. If inspired, act. If you act, but later regret it, forgive yourself. Often it’s the times we didn’t act that we regret more than what we did.

As they say, feel the fear and do it anyway. It is through challenge that we grow.

Privacy at Events

What is shared within the circle must stay in the circle (unless you are given permission to share it). Breaking this rule could result in the immediate cancellation of your membership.

Whilst in a sharing circle, do not give unsolicited advice. Please don’t try to fix or save others, instead, focus on what is being shared and what it is invoking within you.

If you feel you have an insight about someone, ask them privately if they would like to hear it.

11. Accept & Embrace Duality

In a world of polarity and duality, there is no light without darkness. No darkness without light.

Life is a never-ending dance of duality, where all the players are constantly being pulled in two opposite directions by two polarising forces, and catalysed you to grow, expand and evolve beyond our limits.

Where the light is truth, the darkness is ignorance.

Hence it is knowledge that sets us free: for when we are in the light of awareness and truth, the darkness can have no power over us and dissolves instantly: exactly what happens when we turn a light on in a dark room.

Which is why a characteristic of darkness is that it wants to remain hidden. A force of deception, it cannot exist when truth is present.

The greatest truth is that there is nothing to fear. Hence, the secret to life is to have no fear.

The ultimate law and truth is that light always beats the dark. Sure, it’s also a never-ending chess game never ends, so it doesn’t seem that way, until you remember that the darkness actually serves the light, for every move they make can only ever work against them and bring more light.

Remembering this ultimate truth allows you to move beyond fear of the darkness. And this is the ultimate truth that sets you free.

When you embrace the dance of change, and ride the waves, it becomes fun. When you resist and fear it, life is painful and you become stuck.

Pure bliss would become boring really quickly for a human being: we need challenge, danger and adventure.

Without the darkness, there is no triumph.

Without separation there is no joy of reunion.

To stay in the light of the truth; to be in sync with our source (love, bliss, faith). We are all alchemists in training.

Life is far from black and white, and people are far from good or bad; there is so much light in the dark, and dark in the light, that you can’t really separate them. These forces serve each other and go hand in hand.

12. Disputes

Disputes that arise from breaking our code of conduct are classified from level 1-3 and settled accordingly:

Level 1 disputes: a warning will be given

Level 2 disputes: member will receive a strike (3 strikes you’re out)

Level 3 disputes: immediate cancellation of membership

Please note Wonder Club does not cater to those who are easily offended. If you often find yourself easily offended by the opinions and actions of others, this is probably not the club for you.

We do not pander to people’s idea of being a victim and instead seek to empower you to overcome any sense of victimhood. We believe in taking responsibility for our emotions rather than blaming others for them.

However, if we discover that someone is intentionally breaking the golden rule, they will promptly be held accountable for their actions.

13. Management / Wonder Club Council

Over time, a Club Council will be created that consists of 12 appointed leaders, with a majority rules voting system.

Leaders will be selected based on merit.

14. Pioneers

Wonder Club is a collective of free and innovative thinkers who stand for free speech, kindness and compassion. As pioneers in a fast-changing world, our community will continue to evolve as we all learn and grow along the way, and hence, contribution and feedback is always welcomed.

Let’s build a true tribe, together.