Once upon a Wonder Club...

In a way, Wonder Club began in 1993, when I was 7 years old and felt inspired to create my own school called “The Club”. In my spare time I would merrily create lessons for my younger friends and neighbours, and although I considered it play, by the age of 9 I had taught my young neighbour to read and write before her first day of school.

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Moon mysteries: the ancient tradition of The Red Tent...

The moon affects the water, hormones and emotions within us, just as it does with the ocean.

Once upon a time when humans were living in harmony with the rhythms and cycles of nature, in traditional tribal cultures, women's menstrual cycles were synchronised with the moon cycle. At each new moon the women of the tribe would menstruate together, during this time women would gather at The Red Tent to rest, nourish, share truth and support each other. It was considered the most sacred space of the tribe…

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